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Key: The Palaearctic species of Sylvicola (Diptera: Anisopodidae)
A key based on the works by Krivosheina & Menzel (1998), Haenni (1997) and Søli (1992).
Haenni, J.-P., 1997. Anisopodidae (Diptera) de la faune de Suisse, avec la description d'une espèce nouvelle. - Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologische Gesellschaft 70: 177-186.
Krivosheina, N.P., & F. Menzel, 1998. The Palaearctic species of the genus Sylvicola Harris, 1776 (Diptera, Anisopodidae). - Beiträge zur Entomologie 48(1): 201-217.
Michelsen, V., 1999. Wood gnats of the genus Sylvicola (Diptera, Anisopodidae): taxonomic status, family assignment, and review of nominal species described by J.C. Fabricius. - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 142(1): 69-75. (PDF)
Søli, G.E.E., 1992. The Norwegian species of Sylvicola Harris, 1776 (Diptera: Anisopodidae). - Fauna Norvegica, Serie B 39: 49-54.
The bases of veins M1 and M2 arising from the discal cell at the same point, if a crossvein between them is present, then it is no more and 1/4-1/6 as long as the crossvein between M2 and M3. Males holoptic . Distal part of R4+5 without dark marking. Male genitalia with basal ring that has a deep anteroventral concavity; hypoproct consisting of single, narrow lobe or of two lobes that are joint at the bases; claspers thin and S-shaped .
Veins M1 and M2 arising separately from the discal cell, the distance between their bases at least 2/3 the length of the crossvein between M2 and M3. Male holoptic or dichoptic. Distal part of R4+5 with dark marking of varying intensity. Basal ring of male genitalia without anteroventral concavity; hypoproct broad, either with or without shallow posterior concavity; claspers not developed .
Hypoproct with one pointed lobe; apex of gonocoxite with small oval plate that is beset with short setae . Female frons almost as wide as eye width (5 : 6).
S. (A.) fuscatoides Michelsen, 1999
Hypoproct with paired, apically tapering lobes; apex of gonocoxites with strongly sclerotized plate that is beset with long, golden setae . Female frons distinctly narrower than eye (2 : 3).
Lobes of hypoproct rather slender and adjoining apically ; sclerotized plates on apices of gonocoxites with long internal projection, long golden setae only present on basal half and forming a tuft . [Female: Halters dark with pale knob. Wing with distance between R1 and R2+3 about twice as long as the distance between R2+3 and R4+5; discal cell pointed. ].
S. (A.) stackelbergi Krivosheina & Menzel, 1998
Lobes of hypoproct broader and shorter, apically somewhat diverging ; sclerotized plates on apices of gonocoxites without projection, simple, with rows of inwardly curved setae along its whole length, setae more or less forming a comb . [Female: Halters pale. Wing with distance between R1 and R2+3 about three times as long as the distance between R2+3 and R4+5; discal cell truncate .]
S. (A.) fuscatus (Fabricius, 1775)
Wing with weakly developed yellowish spots on the apex of R4+5 and in middle of cell r1; wing membrane not darkened posterior of R2+3. Eyes widely separated in males and females, frons slightly narrower than width of one eye. Gonostyles in male genitalia massive and broad; hypoproct broad and blunt apically, posterior margin almost straight and with pubescent lobes on anterolateral corners .
S. (S.) limpidus (Edwards, 1923)
Wing with brownish spots on the apex of R4+5 and in the middle of cell r1 and otherwise with several distinct and indistinct dark spots .
Wing strongly darkened apically and with two isolated pale spots (those in r2+3 and r4+5 are not contiguous) . Halters with blackish knob. Gonocoxites swollen apically and massive, almost rectangular in basal half, narrowed and lightly S-curved apically .
S. (S.) suzukii (Matsumura, 1916)
Wing with pale spots in r2+3 and r4+5 contiguous or pale area larger and connected to pale areas posterior of R4+5.
Dark apical spot usually without distinct posterior margin and connected posteriorly with the dark marking stretching across r1 and r2+3, as a rule at least 1.5 time as long as the distance to the tip of R2+3. Males holoptic. Distance between bases of M1 and M2 equal to or 1.5 as long as the distance between the bases of M2 and M3.
Males holoptic, frons no wider than one ommatidion . Gonostyles short. Apical spot of wing dark and distinct . [Median stripe on mesonotum reaching scutellum?]
Gonostyles almost rectangular at base and with narrow pointed posterolateral projection, parameres (claspers?) not visible; aedeagal guide broad and posterior margin is clearly not its narrowest part .
S. (S.) zetterstedti (Edwards, 1923)
Gonostyles large, almost rectangular at base and with narrow truncate posterolateral projection; parameres well visible and with spoon-like apex; aedeagal guide less broad and gradually narrowing posteriorly . Female unknown.
S. (S.) baechlii Haenni, 1997
Male: Hypoproct broadly rounded and with distal pubescent lobes; gonostyles massive and without laterobasal projection . Female: subgenital plate with two parallel dark bars . [Distance between bases of M1 and M2 about equal to distance between the bases of M2 and M3?]
S. (S.) cinctus (Fabricius, 1787)
Male: Hypoproct narrowed apically, with posterior emargination and with median pubescent lobes; gonostyles narrower and with short laterobasal projection . Female: subgenital plate without parallel dark bars . [Distance between bases of M1 and M2 about equal to 1.5 the distance between the bases of M2 and M3?]
S. (S.) fenestralis (Scopoli, 1763)
Pale spot in r2+3 distinct and surrounded by well developed dark spots; apex of R2+3 completely darkened . Halters pale. Hypoproct massive, almost rectangular; gonostyles massive and trapezium shaped .
S. (S.) japonicus (Matsumura, 1915)
Pale spot in r2+3 indistinct and surrounded by less distict dark markings; apex of R2+3 not darkened . Male halters with darkened knob. Hypoproct somewhat narrowed apically and with posterior emargination; gonostyles elongated and curved .