The European species of the genus Stilpon Loew, 1859 (Diptera: Hybotidae)
A key to incorporate all European species of the genus Stilpon. The bulk of the keys is adapted from Chvála (1975, 1988) and Collin (1961).
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16-11-2022 17:16
Key to the West-Palaeractic species of Elaphropeza Macquart, 1827 (Diptera: Hybotidae).
This is the key as presented by Chvála (1971). At the time Elaphropeza was considered as a subgenus of the genus Drapetis and this has been the case until quite recently. The genus appears to be favouring warmer climates with larger numbers of species known from the Oriental, Neotropic and Ethiopian regions.
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13-07-2017 09:03
Key to the Western Palaearctic Asteiidae (Diptera) with a few additions from other regions.
Key that is slowly being built up to accomodate groups of Hybotidae (genera, species). No complete coverage is reached at the moment. Sometimes species of a particular genus from only one region are included rather than all known species.
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