Key (online version)
1a |
Wing with brown apical spot [Fig. 103]. |
2 |
b |
Wing entirely hyaline to brown, but without apical spot. |
4 |
2a |
Eye at least 1.4 times (usually 1.5-1.55) as high as long[Fig. 105]. Frons wider than long or at most as long as wide, deeply pitted[Fig. 106]. Larger flies, wing length 4.5-6.5 mm. |
3 |
b |
Eye round, less than 1.3 (1.2-1.25) as high as long [Fig. 104]. Frons longer than wide, inconspicuously dotted. Smaller flies, wing length less than 4.5 (usually 2.5-3.5) mm. |
U. salonikiensis Hennig |
3a |
Halter yellow. |
U. apicalis Meigen |
b |
Halter black. |
U. megacephala Loew |
4a |
Side of frons with triangular white microtrichose area[Fig. 107]. At least wing base (cell bc) brown. |
5 |
b |
Frons sides shining, at most eye narrowly bordered with whitish microtrichose areas. Wing variable. |
6 |
5a |
Mesonotum densely shagreened, almost matt [Fig. 111]. Wing at anterior margin (including cell c) widely brown [Fig. 112]. Frons in profile straight or slightly convex, orbital plate and gena moderately or short setose (longest setae shorter than antenna); parafacialium and face black. |
U. atrata Loew |
b |
Mesonotum shining black or finely shagreened. Wing hyaline, except cell bc, base of cell c and stigma usually brown [Fig. 113]. Frons in profile usually concave, orbital plate and gena long setose (longest setae longer than antenna); parafacialium and face reddish yellow[Fig. 107]. |
U. ruficeps Becker |
6a |
Tarsi entirely black. Face, gena and most of frons dark brown to black. Eye less than 1.3 (1.1-1.2) times as high as long. |
U. omani Steyskal |
b |
Mid- and hindtarsi at least partly yellowish to reddish. Other characters variable. |
7 |
7a |
Anterior part of head (frons above lunule, sometimes face and parafacialium) reddish; eye round (less than 1.3 times as high as long). |
8 |
b |
Anterior part of head mainly black; eye oval (more than 1.3 times as high as long). |
9 |
8a |
Frons satin subshining and smooth in the middle, dotted laterally [Fig. 108]; pterostigma and veins brownish; mesonotum densely shagreened, almost matt. Male hindfemur unmodified, as wide as midfemur. |
U. facialis Hendel |
b |
Frons shining and pitted over whole anterior half [Fig. 109]; pterostigma and veins hyaline, if veins darkened, then wing uniformly brownish and mesonotum shining. Male hindfemur swollen in distal part [Fig. 110]. |
U. wadicola Steyskal |
9a |
Wing brownish grey except basal one-quarter (fig.). Apical portion of distiphallus ("glans") with a few blunt sclerotized projections, but without claw-like or rasper-like structures (fig. ). |
U. nigripennis Loew |
b |
Wing uniformly yellowish or hyaline (figs ). Apical portion of distiphallus ("glans") either with sharply pointed, claw-like projections or rasper-like structures (fig. ) |
10 |
10a |
Abdominal tergites subshining, shagreened.
U. semiopaca Loew |
b |
Abdominal tergites smooth, shining.
11 |
11a |
Wing with yellowish tinge (figs ). Apical portion of distiphallus with blunt sclerotized projections and rasper-like structures (fig. ). |
U. erythrophthalma Meigen |
b |
Wing hyaline, without yellowish tinge (figs ). Apical portion of distiphallus with sharply pointed, claw-like projections and less distinguishable rasper-like structures (fig. ). |
U. albidipennis Loew |
Images |
Figure 103. Ulidia apicalis Meigen (after Hennig 1940, with changes) |
Figure 104. Ulidia salonikiensis Hennig (holotype: redrawn from Hennig 1940, with changes) |
Figure 105. Ulidia apicalis Meigen: Italy (SIZK): head left. |
Figure 106. Ulidia apicalis Meigen: Italy (SIZK): frons. |
Figure 107. Ulidia facialis Becker - Kazakhstan: Karatau Mts. (SIZK): head left. |
Figure 108. Ulidia facialis Hendel: frons; Israel (SIZK) |
Figure 109. Ulidia sp. cf. wadicola - Greece, N Kilkis, Fanos-Skra, female (SIZK) |
Figure 110. Ulidia wadicola Steyskal: hindleg, male; Israel : Mashabbe Sade (Freidberg leg.) (SIZK) |
![[No image caption given.]](../../infusions/keys/figures/9_atrata_Metsovo_mesonotum_s.jpg) |
Figure 111. [No image caption given.] |
![[No image caption given.]](../../infusions/keys/figures/9_atrata_Metsovo_wing_ed_s.jpg) |
Figure 112. [No image caption given.] |
![[No image caption given.]](../../infusions/keys/figures/9_Ulidia ruficeps male total left Boom valley.jpg) |
Figure 113. [No image caption given.] |