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Key: The European species of the genus Stilpon Loew, 1859 (Diptera: Hybotidae)
A key to incorporate all European species of the genus Stilpon. The bulk of the keys is adapted from Chvála (1975, 1988) and Collin (1961).
Chvála, M., 1975. The Tachydromiinae (Dipt. Empididae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. - Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 3: 1-336.
Chvála, M., 1988. A new species of Stilpon Loew (Dipt., Hybotidae) related to S. nubilus Collin from England and Western Europe. - Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 124: 225-231.
Collin, J.E., 1961. Empididae. - British Flies 6: v-viii, 1-782.
Grootaert, P., & I. Shamshev, 2003. A note on the remarkable fauna (Diptera Empididae Hybotidae Atelestidae) of Corsica. - Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie 139: 243-252.
Raffone, G., 1994. Descrizione di una specie di Stilpon (Pseudostilpon) Séguy, 1950 de Majorca (Spagna). - Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genoa 126: 66-68.
Séguy, E., 1950. Un nouveau genre de Corynétine du Midi de la France (Dipt., Empididae). - Vie et milieu 1: 83-87.
Shamshev, I., & P. Grootaert, 2003. New data on the genus Stilpon Loew (Diptera: Hybotidae) from the Palaearctic region, with description of a new species from Tajikistan. - Belgian Journal of Entomologie 7: 81-86.
Smith, K.G.V., 1965. A new species of Stilpon Loew, 1859 (Diptera: Empididae) from Portugal. - Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society London, Series B 34: 48-50.
Vein A2 straight , third antennal segment subcylindrical.
[The character of vein A2 is not visible when comparing the illustrations of paludosus given by Séguy and of intermedius given by Raffone. Examination of Perris' material will be necessary to illucidate this.]
S. paludosus (Perris, 1852)
Vein A2 curved , third antennal segment globular. Genitalia as illustrated .
S. intermedius Raffone, 1994
Halteres with blackish knob, in teneral specimens more brownish. Metatarsi blackish, in teneral specimens brownish.
Wings uniformly faintly yellowish-brown tinged, without a distinct dark pattern . Preapical bristle beneath fore tibiae indistinct.
S. graminum (Fallén, 1815)
Wings with distinct dark brown clouding at middle, base and tip of wing almost clear . Fore tibiae with distinct even if small dark preapical bristle beneath .
Dark cloud on wing with a clear ovate patch at middle of cell r3. Right cercus of male hypopygium without terminal black spines, at most with some strong black setae (left inset).
Wings rather longer than thorax and abdomen combined, and usually about two and a half times as long as wide, if narrower discal vein more upcurved, and outer crossvein sloping. Genitalia: .
S. lunatus (Walker, 1851)
Wings extending very little beyond end of abdomen, and about three times as long as wide. Discal vein straighter and outer crossvein more upright. Genitalia: .
S. sublunatus Collin, 1961
Wing without darkened costa . Left cercus with three terminal spines .
S. machadoi Smith, 1965
Wing with costa darkened . Left cercus with two or three terminal spines , if with three, then wings less extensively darkened .
Wings smaller, narrower, and more pointed at the tip; vein R4+5 ends more before the wing tip; brown costal streak is deeper brown and occupies the whole of cell r2+3, right up to the tip of vein R4+5 (rarely the very extreme tip is paler); the lower half of wing beyond vein M is, on the contrary, less clouded . Genitalia: right cercus with single apical spine .
S. nubilus Collin, 1926
Wing larger and rather rounded at the tip; vein R4+5 ending close to tip of wing; costal streak not as dark with tip of cell r2+3 paler; clouding in posterior half of wing somewhat more extensive . Genitalia: right cercus with two apical spines
Another three species are know to Chvála (1988): appediculatus Frey, 1936 (Canary Islands);
undescribed species (Malta);
undescribed species (Rhodos).