Key (online version)
1a |
Basal segment of antenna long, length at least 3x width [Fig. 77] |
2 |
b |
Basal segment of antenna short, length less than 2x width [Fig. 75] |
4 |
2a |
Males: mesonotum finely sculpured, almost shining, with two inconspicuous stripes of golden hairs. [Fig. 82] Females: mesonotum with three pollinose stripes [Fig. 87] |
Xylophagus ater Meigen, 1804 |
b |
Mesonotum pollinose, only lateral margins shining. [Fig. 86] Basal antennal segment very long (length 4x width) |
3 |
3a |
Frons lustrous [Fig. 89] |
Xylophagus kowarzi (Pleske, 1925) |
b |
Upper half of fron matt [Fig. 90] |
Xylophagus matsumurae Miyatake, 1965 |
4a |
Mesonotum and 1st tergite pollinose [Fig. 88] |
Xylophagus cinctus (De Geer, 1776) |
b |
Mesonotum and 1st tergite lustrous |
Xylophagus junki (Szilády, 1932) |